Choosing and maintaining a new coffee machine at home: how to do it right?

A coffee machine is an integral part of any home kitchen, especially for those who appreciate a delicious and aromatic cup of coffee. However, when choosing a new coffee machine, many questions can arise, from functionality to the finer points of maintenance. So how do you choose the right coffee machine for your home and how do you maintain it properly?

How do I choose a coffee machine?

Type of coffee machine

The first thing to do is to decide what type of coffee machine you are looking for. There are a few basic types:

  • Drip coffee machines are easy to use and perfect for larger quantities of coffee.
  • Capsule coffee machines The advantage is speed and convenience, but you will need to buy special coffee capsules.
  • Espresso machines are for true coffee lovers who want to make barista-quality coffee at home.

Functions and budget

When choosing a coffee machine, it is important to consider the features it offers. Some machines come with a range of additional features, such as milk frothing or smart technology that allows you to control the machine from your smartphone. It is also important to consider your budget, as prices can vary widely.

How do I maintain my coffee machine?

Regular cleaning

Regular cleaning of your coffee machine is essential to ensure the best tasting coffee and the longevity of the machine. This includes cleaning the water reservoir, drip tray and coffee grinding mechanism.


Over time, limescale deposits can build up in the coffee machine, which can adversely affect the performance of the machine and the taste of the coffee. For descaling, you should use special products for cleaning the coffee machine or home-made solutions such as a mixture of vinegar and water.


If you notice any malfunctions or strange noises, it is important to contact a specialist immediately. Professional maintenance can help prevent major breakdowns and ensure the longevity of your machine.

Common causes of coffee machine repairs

Like any other home appliance, coffee machines can encounter various technical problems. Understanding why coffee machines break down can help you to take better care of your appliance and extend its life. Here are some of the most common reasons why coffee machines may need to be repaired.

Lime deposits

One of the most common causes of coffee machine failures is limescale deposits. The water used to make coffee often contains limescale, which builds up inside the machine over time. This can lead to a variety of problems, such as blocked water channels or improper water heating. Regular descaling is essential to avoid this problem.

Technical errors

Electronic or mechanical errors are also a common cause of coffee machine failure. This can include faults in the control panel, pump or heater failure. In some cases, these problems can be caused by manufacturing defects, but in most cases they are due to ageing or improper maintenance.

Clogging of filters

The accumulation of dust and coffee grounds in the filter can also cause problems. This not only impairs the taste of the coffee, but can also cause water flow problems. Regular cleaning of the filter is essential to maintain the efficiency of the machine and ensure delicious coffee.

Improper maintenance

Improper maintenance and cleaning can lead to a wide range of failures. These include insufficient cleaning after each use, irregular descaling and improper storage of the machine. Good maintenance is the key to a long and efficient use of the machine.

Water leakage

Water leakage from a coffee machine can be a serious problem, often caused by faulty seals or hoses. As well as causing a mess, water leaks can also damage other parts of the machine.

Regular cleaning and maintenance of your coffee machine can help prevent many of these problems. If you notice that your machine is not working as it should, it is important to contact professional repair specialists immediately to avoid more serious breakdowns. It is also important to follow the manufacturer's instructions for maintenance and use to ensure the longevity of the machine and peak performance.

When choosing and maintaining a new coffee machine, the most important thing is to consider your needs and capabilities. A properly selected and maintained coffee machine will become an integral part of your morning routine, giving you pleasure every time you want to relax with a delicious cup of coffee.