E-scooter braking system: how it works and how to maintain it in Kaunas

Electric scooters are becoming an increasingly popular mode of transport in Kaunas. They are comfortable, environmentally friendly and economical. However, safety is the most important aspect to consider when using an e-scooter. One of the main safety features is the brakes. In this article we will discuss how the braking system of e-scooters works and how to maintain it properly.

Types of braking system on e-scooters

E-scooters can have different types of braking systems. The most popular are:
1. Disc brakes: this is one of the most effective types of brake. Disc brakes provide good stopping power and are reliable in both dry and wet conditions.
2. Drum brakes: these brakes are less efficient than disc brakes, but they are more resistant to dirt and moisture and therefore require less maintenance.
3. Electronic brakes: this system uses the engine for braking. This is an effective way of slowing down the scooter, but it cannot completely replace mechanical brakes.
4. Foot brakes: a simple and reliable system that brakes by clicking the back of the scooter with your foot. This type of brake is the most commonly used on children's scooters.

How do I maintain my brake system?

To ensure the safety of your e-scooter, the braking system must be regularly maintained. Here are some tips on how to do it:
1. Check the condition of the brakes periodically: check that the brakes are working smoothly and that there are no signs of wear. If you notice that the brakes are not working as efficiently as they used to, they may need to be adjusted or replaced.
2. Adjust disc brakes: if you use disc brakes, check the brake pads and disc regularly. If the disc is crooked or the pads are worn, they should be replaced.
3. Lubricate drum brakes: Drum brakes can accumulate dirt and moisture and should be cleaned regularly and lubricated with a special grease.
4. Check the electronic brakes: electronic brakes are generally low maintenance, but it is important to monitor the electrical system for any faults.
5. Foot brake maintenance: this type of brake needs to be cleaned of dirt and checked for wear.

How do I choose the right brake system?

When choosing an e-scooter, it is important to consider your needs and the conditions of use. If you often ride on wet or muddy streets, it may be better to choose a model with drum brakes, which are more resistant to adverse conditions. If braking performance is important to you, a scooter with disc brakes is recommended. Electronic brakes can be a great addition, but they should not be the only brakes on your scooter.
Proper maintenance of the braking system will ensure your safety and prolong the life of your e-scooter. In Kaunas, where traffic conditions can vary, it is very important to have a reliable and well-maintained braking system.