Printed text appears distorted

The most likely causes of distorted printed text are poor alignment, incorrect driver settings, low toner or a faulty print head.

Poor alignment occurs when the laser beam that produces the image is not properly calibrated. If the laser is not aligned, the lines can appear uneven and blurred. To correct this problem, the printer needs to be realigned during calibration.

Incorrect driver settings can also cause text to appear distorted. Incorrect use of fonts and font sizes and page orientation settings can lead to poor print quality. To resolve this problem, users should check the printer and system settings to make sure they are properly configured.

Another possible cause of distorted text is low toner. When toner is low, it can cause prints to appear blurred or faded. When necessary, the cartridge should be replaced to ensure that the printed text is clear and crisp.

Finally, a faulty print head can also lead to garbled text. If the print head is damaged or worn, streaks and smudges may appear in the printed text. The printer needs to be repaired to fix this problem.

After checking these possible causes, users should be able to identify the source of the distorted printed text. By taking the time to troubleshoot and diagnose any associated problems, you can ensure that your printed material looks its best.