Scooter repairs

High-quality, comprehensive work on all types and manufacturers (Xiaomi, Ninebot, Segway, Motus, Razor, Owermax, SkateFlash, Baogl etc.) Repair of skates and electric scooters Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda. We repair home, outdoor and professional e-scooters and skateboards (large and large).

What are the scooter repair services?

  • Reprogramming control chips
  • Replacing gyroscopes
  • Wheel replacement
  • Replacing the battery
  • Replacement of housings or other parts
  • Motherboard / motherboard repairs
  • Issuing a diagnostic report for insurance
  • Technical diagnostics
  • Power circuit repairs
  • Control unit repairs
  • Repairing broken sockets
  • Troubleshooting other faults

We can issue defect certificates for insurance, which will reimburse your repair costs.

elektrinių paspirtukų remontas

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Which scooter brands do you repair?

We repair Xiaomi, Ninebot, Kugo, Segway, Beaster and other scooters.

What types of faults do you repair?

We repair both mechanical faults (tyre replacement, etc.) and electrical faults (error display, not switching on, etc.)

What is the cost of repairing an e-scooter?

The cost of repairs is determined on a case-by-case basis after a diagnostic. Repairs start from €10 for mechanical work and €25 for the electrical part.

Do you offer a repair guarantee?

Yes, all work is guaranteed.

Which cities do you work in?

We work in Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipėda.

Most common faults

Electric scooter repairs: folding mechanism failure

Xiaomi Mi / Ninebot and other e-scooters are designed to be easy to handle and carry. That's why it has a folding mechanism that allows you to quickly and easily fold the scooter for easy carrying. Older scooters, such as the "Flipper scooter", are available in a wide range of sizes. The Xiaomi Mi M365 was equipped with an aluminium folding lock, which was prone to breaking. Newer models already have a more robust ferromagnetic latch. However, if you want to ensure maximum security, there are more durable locks available. If you notice any problem with the folding mechanism, please contact us.

Steering shake / wobble

If you notice any shaking or wobbling of the handlebars, it's best to get your electric scooter repaired as soon as possible, as this could be a safety issue. Once the diagnosis has been carried out, the cost of the repair is determined. The problem is often caused by the jitter reducer, which ensures comfort even over bumps.

Does not turn on at all

There may be several reasons why you can't activate your Xiaomi/Ninebot or other scooter. One reason could be fluids. For example, the Xiaomi Mi M365 has a waterproof rating of IP54. This means that light rain or splashing water should not be a problem. However, more intense rain or water jets can cause malfunctions. Therefore, to protect your electric scooter and avoid problems, purchase a protective waterproof cover for the dashboard. However, if your e-scooter has already broken down, it is advisable to take it to an elMeistrai repair shop for repair. Please contact one of our branches in Vilnius / Kaunas or Klaipėda. The diagnostics takes about 1 day and costs only €3.

Damaged charging port cover

On Xiaomi scooters, this is a small red cover that covers the charging port to protect it from dust or water. It's made of rubber to make it easier to hold, but if you handle it carelessly you can damage it. It is easy to replace yourself.

Broken wing

When riding an electric scooter, you may accidentally run over the rear fender and break it. Contact our service and we will be happy to repair your scooter.

Defective/damaged rear lamp

The rear lamp of an e-scooter can fail due to oxidation or physical impact, such as breakage or damage to the rear wing. Sometimes it is easy to change the lamp yourself, but it can also be quite complicated, as you may have to remove the wheel when changing the rear lamp. In this case, it is best to contact our Xiaomi / Ninebot e-scooter repair centre.

Brake pads worn or out of adjustment

The Xiaomi Mi M365 has a rear disc brake that needs to be adjusted from time to time by tightening two hexagonal nuts. However, with frequent riding and normal wear and tear, the e-scooter brake pads will need to be replaced.

Other faults with your electric scooter

If you have an unexpected flat tyre, you have two options. Either you can try to change the tyre yourself, or you can turn to elMeistrai's electric scooter repair specialists to save time. We can also offer a tubeless tyre replacement.

Here are the instructions for disassembling the scooter (YouTube video). Also, if you prefer to read: email. scooter wheel replacement instructions.

Need professional scooter repairs? Contact our contacts in Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda.

Scooter repair news and tips

  • Patarimai, kaip prailginti elektrinio paspirtuko baterijos tarnavimo laiką
    Ličio jonų baterijos turi savo specifiką, kurią svarbu žinoti. Jos jautrios temperatūros pokyčiams, todėl reikėtų vengti ekstremalių sąlygų – tiek aukštos, tiek žemos temperatūros. Ideali temperatūra šių baterijų veikimui yra nuo 20°C iki 25°C. Taip pat svarbu atkreipti dėmesį į krovimo ciklus. Ličio jonų baterijos neturi „atminties“ efekto, todėl jas galima krauti bet kuriuo metu, ...
  • El. paspirtukų elektronika: kaip veikia ir ką daryti, jei susiduriate su problemomis Vilniuje
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  • Efektyvūs patarimai, kaip prailginti elektrinio paspirtuko baterijos tarnavimo laiką
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  • Kaip pasirinkti tinkamą elektrinio paspirtuko modelį pagal savo poreikius
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  • E-scooter depreciation: how it works and how to maintain it in Kaunas
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  • Efektyvūs būdai pailginti elektrinio paspirtuko akumuliatoriaus tarnavimo laiką
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  • Patarimai, kaip pratęsti elektrinio paspirtuko tarnavimo laiką ir pagerinti jo našumą
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  • E-scooter braking system: how it works and how to maintain it in Kaunas
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