Repair of coffee machines

High-quality, comprehensive work on all types and manufacturers (Siemens, DeLonghi, Bosch, Nivona, Philips, Saeco, AEG, GAGGIA, Jura, Spidem, etc.) coffee machine repair Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda.

  • Our main task is to make sure that your coffee machine produces the best tasting coffee
  • Diagnosing faults
  • Repairing/replacing faulty parts
  • Alignment, prophylaxis, descaling

We can issue defect certificates for insurance, which will reimburse your repair costs.

Repairing coffee machines - the most common problems and their causes

When it comes to the quality of the coffee produced, the most common problems with coffee machines are: no foam or too much air splashing (bubbles), coffee too weak, strong, sour, bitter or tasteless, water flowing unevenly, bad coffee the first time you make it, clogged portafilter or coffee machine in need of descaling. These problems are not insurmountable and some of them can be solved quite simply by yourself before seeking specialist repair.

  1. No foam or lack of flavour

The lack of foam is most likely due to stale beans that have been roasted for more than 3 weeks. The flavour of ground coffee beans that are not used immediately begins to dissipate and the coffee is no longer foamy. If the beans are freshly roasted but the problem persists, they may be degassed. Use only fresh, quality beans.

  1. Too many air bubbles in the coffee foam / coffee too acidic

This is often the case when coffee beans are too freshly roasted. This is possible when you prepare the coffee beans yourself at home. Roasted coffee beans need 2-3 days to degas. In addition, if the coffee continues to be sour, the brewing temperature may be slightly too low. In this case, if the settings are correct, the coffee machine needs to be repaired.

  1. Coffee too weak or too strong or bitter

If you've tried adjusting the coffee strength setting in the coffee machine settings and it doesn't work, the coffee may be too weak for other reasons. Firstly, stale/boiled coffee - weak coffee. Secondly, the coffee may not have been brewed/boiled long enough. Thirdly, if your coffee is weak and bitter, it could be the opposite - the coffee has been overcooked or brewed at too high a temperature. If the coffee beans are of good quality and the settings are good, your coffee machine is in need of repair.

  1. The first cup of coffee is bad

This is because the machine produces coffee without reaching the correct operating temperature. In this case, please wait after switching on the coffee machine, or if the problem is annoying, repairs are needed.

  1. Clogging of the portafilter

Dark roast coffee contains more oils and other soluble substances. If dark roast coffee is ground too finely, it will clog the portafilter. It is possible that the grinder needs to be repaired or the wrong coffee is being used.

  1. Coffee runs too weak or the quality of the coffee is poor, even though everything mentioned has been tested

Perform the descaling yourself (see the instructions for using the coffee machine) or contact us for a professional service descaling or repairing your coffee machine.

Coffee machine maintenance

First of all, the biggest problem we face is the accumulation of sediment due to poor water quality. This significantly shortens the lifetime of the coffee machine and causes problems requiring costly repairs. Use only filtered, softened water.

Maintaining your coffee machine: everyday tasks

Cleaning the group head

After grinding, concentrating and extracting the coffee, it is important to rinse or clean the group head immediately to remove all coffee grounds and oils. If you allow the coffee grounds to settle in the group head, sediment will build up on the group head. Even if it looks clean on the outside, the inside may be full of dirt.

Cleaning the steam wand

Cleaning the steam wand is also very important, as milk build-up can cause damage and affect the taste. It is best if the steam wand is cleaned both before and after steaming the milk. This can be done simply by placing a cloth on the end of the steam wand and turning it on for 1-2 seconds. This will ensure that no residual water from the steam wand enters the milk. After steaming the milk, be sure to wipe the steam wand off immediately and leave it on again for another 1-2 seconds. Preferably with a damp cloth.

Water backwash

Another maintenance option you can add to your daily routine is a quick backwash. In our offices, we keep a single or double spouted portafilter with a backwash blank in it. When we finish our morning coffee, a quick rinse and wipe of the dispersion strainer.

Coffee machine maintenance: work every 2-4 weeks

A full cleanse is needed every 2-4 weeks. Remove the dispersion strainer and soak the strainer and the portafilter basket in the cleaning solution. Scrub the group with a brush and perform a complete backwash.

Coffee machine maintenance: work every 6 months

It is important to clean the grinder and the steam wand (if you use one) every six months. Simply soak the wand in the cleaning solution and pass a small amount of it through the grinder. Also check the filter in the water softening system and replace it if necessary.

Coffee machine maintenance: once a year

After a year, it's worth changing the group insert and display. It's an easy way to ensure your coffee machine keeps working well.  

Repairing your coffee machine - how to do it yourself?

See the YouTube video below. You can also follow these instructions WikiHow.

Need professional coffee machine repairs? Contact our contacts Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda.

Looking for more information on coffee machine repairs? Read our coffee machine repair news and tips

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