Repair of welding machines

Professionally dispose of all types of waste for power plants repair of welding machines Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda.

  • Repair of inverter welding machines
  • Repair of semi-automatic welding machines
  • Repair of electric welding machines

Repair Kemppi, MIG, Deca, ESAB, Stanley, Fil-Tech, Hugong, Lincoln Electric, Telwin, Blaupunkt, Daewoo, Geko, Kraft & Dele, Scheppach and welding machines from other manufacturers.

suvirinimo aparatų remontas

What is the difference between a conventional welding machine and an inverter machine?

When comparing a conventional welding machine with a welding inverter, the main difference is that a welding machine is an electrical product while a welding inverter is an electronics-based product.

What is the difference between repairing a welding inverter and repairing a conventional welding machine?
In inverters, diode bridges, transistor connections, zener diodes and other electronic circuit components need to be checked. Technicians repairing such machines need to be skilled in the use of tools such as oscillograph, voltmeter, multimeter, etc. The knowledge of an electrician alone is not sufficient. Correct diagnosis is the main reason for successful repair of inverter welding machines. This requires not only knowledge of electronics but also an understanding of the design of the machine itself.

Inverter welding machine repair - features

Transistors are the weakest point in inverters, so welding machine repairs start with an inspection.

  1. The inverter equalizes the incoming currents.
  2. The rectified currents are converted into high-frequency alternating signals.
  3. The power transformer reduces the voltage to the welding level.
  4. The high-frequency current is converted to constant current by the output rectifier.

For all these processes to take place at the right level in the welding machine, the electronics must be in good condition. The main structural unit of the welding inverter is the input current rectifier. Then the control board, because it is the centre of the transistors and the output rectifier. It is worth noting that each manufacturer may equip its products with a different arrangement of modules, but the basic principle remains the same.

Why do welding machines break down - welding machine repair

The first cause of failure is that the welding inverter is not being used correctly. The second cause is non-compliance with working conditions. If welding does not take place when the machine is switched on, check the electrode holder cable connection. There are several main reasons why the machine stops working:

  • The machine is used in conditions of high humidity, such as rain or snow. Water and the inverter are incompatible.
  • Poor ventilation technology contributes to the accumulation of dust inside the housing. This prevents the electronic circuits from receiving adequate cooling, so if you plan to use your welding machine in areas where there is a lot of dust (for example, construction sites), you need to keep it cleaned of dirt build-up.
  • Each model has its own mode of operation, which can lead to overheating, which can cause malfunctions.

Common welding machine faults

Firstly, it is important to mention that faults can often seem very serious to newcomers, when in reality it is much simpler: the wrong welding mode is often chosen. It is therefore better to familiarise yourself with the process before starting work.

If excessive splashing of the electrode metal and instability of the arc occur during welding, this may be due to an incorrect selection of the welding current.

Fault list:

  • The welding arc is not steady or there is heavy splashing of molten metal. This can happen if the machine is set to an incorrect current value. To adjust this setting correctly, take into account the diameters of the working electrodes and the working speed itself. If the speed is reduced, the welding current itself should be directly proportional.
  • Electrode bonding. Šį gedimą lemia kelios priežastys. Pirma, tai gali įvykti dėl sumažėjusios įtampos elektros tinkle, ko neleidžia suvirinimo inverterių gamintojai. Antra, prilipimą lemia prastas suvirinamo darbinio elemento paruošimas, nes oksido plėvelės buvimas daro didelę neigiamą įtaką  kuriamos siūlės kokybei. Trečia, gali būti nepakankamas maitinimo kabelio skersmuo.
  • The appliance is connected to the mains and switched on, but does not cook. In this case, the cable shall be checked for damage, as well as for good connections between the mass and the parts to be welded.

Below are instructions on how to repair welding machines. We also provide instructions for setting up welding equipment.

So if you need welding machine repairs in Vilnius, Kaunas or Klaipėdacontact us!

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