Category: Phone repair, phones, news, tips

Is it safe to use the internet on your phone


Using the internet on your phone can be a great way to stay connected, but it's important to be aware of the potential risks. You should make sure you are using secure...

How to protect your phone from unauthorised use


If you forget to lock your phone, the best thing you can do is to take immediate action to protect yourself. Here are some steps to help...

How dust can damage your phone


Dust particles can wreak havoc on your smartphone. When dust builds up inside your device, it can cause overheating and disrupt the phone's components...

My phone keeps throwing a message that memory is full Possible causes


One possible reason for the full phone memory message is that you have too many apps installed. If your phone has...

What to do if your phone gets wet


If your phone has fallen into water, take immediate action to minimise the damage. Immediately turn off the device and remove any batteries or removable...

Tips for choosing quality mobile phone parts and accessories


When looking for mobile phone parts and accessories, it is important to understand what you are buying. You want the best quality parts and accessories that will last a long time. Next...

Troubleshooting phone software problems


It's important to remember that when troubleshooting mobile phone software problems, you should always start with the simplest solutions. This includes booting the device...

Smartphone care tips


Smartphones are becoming more sophisticated and powerful devices, but they still need to be maintained to keep them running smoothly. It's important...

5 simple tips to protect your Android phone from viruses


"Android phones, like computers, are susceptible to viruses. If you're not careful, you can easily catch a virus that can slow down your phone or...