Coffee machines in Vilnius: how to properly maintain and repair water filters

The use of coffee machines is becoming increasingly popular in both homes and offices. In order for a coffee machine to last a long time and produce quality coffee, it is important to properly maintain its components, especially the water filters. In this article, we will discuss how to properly maintain and repair water filters in coffee machines in Vilnius.

The importance of water filters

Water filters are essential components of coffee machines as they purify the water from unwanted impurities such as lime, chlorine residues and other contaminants. Clean water not only ensures a better tasting coffee, but also protects the coffee machine from breakdowns. Poorly maintained filters can cause a variety of problems, including blockages and reduced water flow.

How often should water filters be changed?

The frequency of filter changes depends on the intensity of use of the coffee machine and the quality of the water. As a general rule, it is recommended to change filters every 2-3 months or after 60 litres of water filtration. If you notice that the taste of the coffee has deteriorated or the water flow has decreased, it may be time to change the filter earlier.

Filter change process

1. Switch off the coffee machine: Before changing the filter, be sure to switch off the coffee machine and disconnect it from the mains.
2. Remove the old filter: Open the water tank and remove the old filter. On some models, you may need to turn the filter or press a special button to remove it.
3. Prepare a new filter: Check the instructions for the new filter before putting it in the water tank. Some filters require pre-soaking or rinsing.
4. Insert the new filter: Insert the new filter into the water tank and make sure it is properly attached.
5. Fill the reservoir with water: Fill the water reservoir with clean water and switch on the coffee machine. Allow the water to pass through the filter to remove air bubbles and prepare the filter for use.

Repairs and maintenance

If changing the water filters does not solve the problem, maintenance or repair may be necessary. There are a number of companies and craftsmen in Vilnius who specialise in coffee machine maintenance and repair. It is important to choose a reliable professional who has experience and good references.

Where to buy water filters in Vilnius?

There are many places in Vilnius where you can buy water filters for coffee machines. These can be both specialised shops and online shopping platforms. Before you buy, it is worth consulting the sellers or reading reviews to choose the right filter for your coffee machine.
Properly maintained water filters will not only make your coffee taste better, but will also extend the life of your coffee machine. Follow the recommendations and change your filters regularly so you can enjoy delicious coffee every day.