Battery tips for electric scooters: how to keep the power on longer in Vilnius

Electric scooters have become a popular means of urban transport in Vilnius. They are environmentally friendly, comfortable and fast, but their batteries are often a source of concern for users. In order to maintain the maximum performance of an electric scooter, it is important to properly maintain its battery. In this article, we'll discuss some important tips to keep the power on for longer and extend the life of the battery.

Charging: time and frequency

One of the key factors affecting the longevity of a battery is the correct charging schedule. Try not to overcharge the battery and keep it between the charging limits of the 20% and the 80%.

Avoid extreme temperatures

Lithuania's climate can be changeable, but it is important to avoid extreme temperatures. Heat and cold can adversely affect battery performance. Keep your scooter indoors when not in use, especially in winter or summer.

Regular maintenance

Check and maintain your electric scooter regularly. This includes not only the battery, but also other components such as the tyres, brakes and motor. A properly maintained scooter will run more efficiently and last longer.

Use original parts

Always use the original manufacturer's parts when replacing batteries or other parts. Unreliable replacements can not only reduce the performance of the scooter, but can also damage the whole vehicle.

Driving style

Your driving style can also affect the battery's longevity. Sudden acceleration and braking can drain the battery quickly. Try to drive smoothly and at a moderate speed.
Battery maintenance for electric scooters in Vilnius can be easy if you follow these tips. Regular servicing, proper charging and careful driving will help keep your scooter's power on for longer.